What's the story of
Ah! Megami Sama, anyway?
Oh! My Goddess is a romance-kind (and humoristic)story
about a guy named Keiichi Morisato who founds love by "error ".
It all begins when Keiichi dials a wrong number and reaches the Goddesses office.
Just before he hungs up, the voice says: "We'll be there to grant you your wish in a moment." And the moment after that, the beautiful goddess Belldandy materialises herself in keiichi's mirror. But then, when she says to him that he could wish for anything and that she'll grant him his wish, Morisato thinks it's a joke from his dorm mates, Ootaki and Tamiya. So, he says : "I would like to have a goddesse like you to be with me forever! " And of course, it was no joke! Since then, he's living with Belldandy (He has no choice; the force of his wish is strong and if he wants Belldandy to go-unless she does- Something terrible will happen. Like when the two of them were thrown out of the dorm!). But when Belldandy's big sister Urd also come into their lifes, all is turning upside down for poor Keiichi. Also, two Goddeses were not enough, so Skuld also join them in the third manga
( + Mara in the second one! ).
The "Oh!My Goddess" manga is in my opinion, fun to read. (Well, I just have the three first:
" 1-555-Goddess" , " Love potion no.9 "
and " Sympathy for the devil " .
But I liked them so much that I hope to buy all of them when I'll have the money ^^; )
With Urd's plans to get Belldandy and Keiichi together- even if it's not really working! - , Tamiya who is always on Morisato's back for the
NIT (Nekomi institute of technology) Motor Club 's races,
Sayoko trying to get Keiichi, Toshiyuki trying to get Belldandy,
Goddesses and demons magic and lotsa goofy characters, "Oh!My Goddess "
is one of the most read manga in America
(Like after Evangelion or something like that!^ ^; )
and you won't be disapointed if you buy one of Kosuke Fujishima's manga
(Or maybe, if you have an anime store near you, go check for Oh!My Goddess videos!).
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